The Apostle Peter
Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, exemplifies the role of an apostle, serving as a foundation for the early church and boldly spreading the Gospel. As an apostle, Peter was “sent out” (the meaning of apostle) with authority to establish the church, proclaim the Gospel, and lead others in faith. His journey from fisherman to the “rock” upon which Jesus would build His church demonstrates the transformative power of Christ and the responsibility entrusted to Peter as an apostolic leader.
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says to Peter, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Here, Jesus designates Peter as a foundational figure for the church. While “the rock” primarily refers to Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah, it also acknowledges Peter’s role in leading and guiding the early church.
Peter’s leadership is evident in the Book of Acts, where he emerges as a key figure. At Pentecost, he stands with authority, filled with the Holy Ghost, and preaches to a large crowd, leading three thousand people to faith in a single day (Acts 2:14-41). His sermon is a powerful testimony of his calling as an apostle, as he boldly proclaims the resurrection of Christ and invites others to repent and be baptized.
As an apostle, Peter also demonstrated the miraculous power of Christ, affirming his authority and role in the church. In Acts 3:6-8, Peter heals a lame man at the temple gate, saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” This miracle, followed by Peter’s proclamation of Jesus, leads many to believe, underscoring his role in spreading the Gospel through word and deed.
Furthermore, Peter’s apostolic authority included establishing doctrine and settling disputes within the early church. In Acts 15, during the Jerusalem Council, Peter speaks decisively about Gentile believers, affirming that they, too, are saved by grace through faith without needing to follow Jewish customs. His influence was instrumental in shaping the inclusivity and mission of the early church.
Peter’s life as an apostle reflects a calling marked by courage, conviction, and an unwavering commitment to Jesus. Through preaching, healing, and shepherding the church, Peter fulfilled his role as an apostle, establishing a solid foundation upon which the early Christian community could grow and thrive.